
Also known as Mattie M., Lycophyll is a multimedia artist and writer currently located in southwest Ohio. He graduated from Kent State University in 2019 with a degree in studio art, minoring in art history and LGBTQ studies. His background lies in drawing, printmaking, cartooning, and various kinds of digital art. Currently, his primary art focus is on character/creature design and portraiture.

He has a couple of pieces available for download on, incuding a free comic called Alien Massage Catalogue and a $1 zine called Genders of Time and Space as Told to Us By People of Varying Non-Human Species and Cultures in the Streets of Digital New York City with plans to create more projects in the near future.

Mattie can be contacted at:
(or at any of the social media sites below, though email is preferred!) | instagram | cohost | tumblr